Let me just say your site is amazing! It is well put together and easy to navigate which is a plus. With such a nice layout you must attract a lot of visitors. I just wanted to give you a heads up because your site inspired me to build my own. I hope everything is going great and much success in your future. Thank and have the best of day! zbVmAywkz5N4jq65
How It Works
- Decide which good deed you would like to share
- Type it in the "Enter Your Deed" box
- Click "Submit & Share" to inspire others on the public "Book of Good Deeds"
- Your good deed will also be posted on our Facebook and Twitter pages to inspire others
- You may choose to share your good deed on your Facebook or Twitter account
- More than ever our world needs some extra good deeds, don't keep it to yourself, Inspire others and get inspired